Why Aren't My Penis Pills Working?

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1 Sex Tip For Men - Pee At Least About 20 Minutes Before Sex

Ensure by all means no to empty your bladder and then go direct to having sex. At this moment, your penis will not have had enough time to start switching roles, and you will not have full sexual pleasure. You should not have sex 20 minutes after peeing as a man.

Many men take penis enlargement pills, but unfortunately, they fail to work for everyone. Some people like to believe that there could be something wrong with dosage. But the question is, why are penis pills not working?

You settle for penis pills to help you transform your dwindling sexuality. These tablets utilize the active ingredients to support your body to achieve the desired outcome. So how do they influence your body’s reaction?

Penis pills depend on a variety of factors to work efficiently. Some of these factors may depend on handling techniques and manufacture date. Getting a penis pill to work for you successfully requires significant effort and devotion. You only get what you work for.

And this notion is not only restricted to the pills. It also applies to all other penis enhancement techniques as well. You have to abide by the rules to get your penis to grow to the desired size.

In some circumstances, your penis pills may fail to work for you. Out of concern, you end up asking yourself why. The following are some of the reasons why your penis pills didn’t work for you.

You stopped taking them

Penis pills are meant to help you solve the issues of erectile dysfunction. To ensure that they work as intended, the manufacturers usually state what the pills can and can’t do. Further, they specify the right procedure of consuming them so that you derive the anticipated outcome.

Therefore, you have to continue taking them for a specified duration to ensure success. You should also note that most penis pills offer a temporary solution to your problems. So, if you don’t follow the correct approach or you stop taking the pills, you are unlikely to see the transformation you expected.

Also, your penis is likely to go back to its original size when you stop taking the penis pills. In as much as you might be fed up with continually taking the pills, you should figure out the likely consequences.

1 Sex Trick To Try Before You Die - Have Sex On The Floor

Having Sex on the floor can be something full of fun for you, and it can bring more pleasure in your sex life. Try always to experience Sex in different places, and you do not have to fall into the routine of just doing it on your bed frequently. Try it on the floor also, and you will have a new experience.

You are inconsistent in taking them

Another reason why your penis pill may not work well is improper use. Like any other medication, you need to strictly adhere to the instructions. Hence, any inconsistency in taking penis pills means you are not keeping up with the doctor’s prescription when taking the pills.

Further, you might decide to take the pills only when you feel like doing so. This is usually a wrong approach to medication and should be avoided at all costs. Your drug is unlikely to work well if taken inconsistently.

So the best practice is sticking to a drug until it is done regardless of how boring it is to use. If your inconsistency is being caused by a failure in remembering the time for taking your medication, you can always assign someone or set the alarm to remind you of the time.

They might have expired

Every pill has a lifespan which is supposed to be used. Elapsing of this period leads to its expiry. Expired pills are never efficient and they might as well be harmful to your health.

Before taking any penis pill, check out for the expiry date to confirm whether the pill is still functional. In case the expiry date isn’t indicated, and you are not sure about what to do, contact your doctor or a medical expert immediately.

You might be using the wrong pills

Asking yourself why your penis hasn’t seen any improvement despite taking any pills? Pills don’t just fail to work. Maybe you bought the wrong penis pills that are not meant for you.

Naturally, every penis pill has its unique characteristics and roles. These features are due to the active ingredients they possess. Unfortunately, there are instances where your body may not interact well with some of these compounds.

This is why you just can’t pick a pill randomly and consume it without proper consultation with an expert and expect it to work for you. Not all penis pills will work for you. Hence you should only stick to the types recommended by your doctor.

The pills might have reduced efficacy

The effectiveness of penis pills varies depending on the date of manufacture. Efficiency usually starts deteriorating immediately after manufacture.

Penis pills are more efficient when new and can work for you correctly. To ensure you are getting the best out of these pills, consider going for fresh pills that haven’t stayed in the shelves long enough since their manufacture.

Hope you enjoy reading "Why Aren't My Penis Pills Working?" :)

Here Is The One Tip On Maximizing Penis Enlargement Efforts And Results

Start Small

We have already mentioned how it is important to research and plan out the course of your treatment right in the beginning. While setting up an effective course of action, you should always start small and then increase the intensity and duration of the procedure.

This way you will get greater benefits and find better results at the completion of it. Start with easy and simple exercises without pushing yourself too hard.

Are you familiar with running a marathon? If at first, you start running at great speed and burn up all your energy, your muscles will grow tired and give up before you?re able to reach the finish line. A treatment for penis augmentation is also very similar.

If you overdo your exercise routine right in the beginning, then you will be at risk of overexerting yourself and won?t be able to finish the treatment. So, start with simple techniques and increase the difficulty level as you go.

Here Is The One Best Protein for Your Penis

Brazil Nuts

Brazil Nuts are popular for their high concentration of magnesium. A cup of Brazil Buts contains 500 milligrams of magnesium. In addition, these nuts contain selenium that improves the function of hormones. If you are worried about the lack of healthy sperms then you need to consume as much selenium as possible.

100 grams of Brazil Nuts offer 14 grams of protein. This is what your penis requires to perform better. In addition, there is iron in Brazil Nuts that regulates the blood circulation. In simple words, Brazil Nuts not only strengthen your penis but they also facilitate quick and stable erection.

You can think about consuming from 50g to 100g of Brazil Nuts every day along with the healthy diet. These nuts make sure that your body doesn’t lack the required amount of protein and iron. After consuming Brazil Nuts for a week, you’ll start noticing the improvement in your performance in the bed.

Ask Us Questions Related To Why Aren't My Penis Pills Working?

What is the effect of overdosing my penis pills?

Overdosing the penis pills is a temptation that many users fail to overcome and this can be very dangerous, in a bid to achieve fast and immediate results, the pills often overdose with the belief that it will work faster and the desired result will be achieved ahead of time.

It is a process and every prosecution must be taken according to the proscribed dosage, overdosing the penis pills leads to sad negative effects that are ordinary not contemplated by the producers of the pills.

Similarly, overdosing the pills leads to instances where the pills do not work for the purpose for which they are supposed to, to achieve the best results, penis pills must be taken according to prescription.

What is the effect of mixing my penis pills with other pills?

Mixing penis pills with other pills is strongly not advised. This is so because the mix and usage of other pills side by side with the penis pills will hinder the performance of the pills and place you at risk of health dangers, penis pills should be taken alone at all times, which will help you to keep track of the progress made with your pills.

What are the effects of not taking the piles correctly?

It is one thing to take the pills and another thing to do it correctly, and it only when the pills are taken correctly that they can work effectively. If it is prescribed to be taken three times a day, for instances the correct application of this instruction is what can guarantee the right results for the person taken the pills.

Similarly, when the pills are recommended to be taken over a month or two, missing this or not following this instruction precisely can also affect the functionality of the pills. Therefore, pills must be taken correctly.

Tips Related To Why Aren't My Penis Pills Working?

Don’t keep puffing the cigarette

Even if you are taking the male enhancement pills every day, you will not feel much benefit if you are still puffing your cigarette like a locomotive. In fact, tobacco is one of the most dangerous risk factors that cause shrinkage of your erect penis. It even leads to erectile dysfunction in many old men. So stop smoking right now if you want your penis pills to work. Even if you can’t quit in a day, try to reduce it slowly but surely. Quitting smoking is easier that way anyway.

Don’t drink excessively

If you are a heavy drinker you can bet the male enhancement pills won’t give you anything just yet. That is because the substance in alcohol meddles with the ingredients contained in the penis pills. Alcohol when drunk excessively also causes you to have more turbulent moods. This can be really bad for your heart and subsequently blood flow. If you can’t escape drinking with coworkers, at least be responsible and limit yourself to 2 servings of wine or beer.

Do rest enough

For you to feel the benefits of your penis enhancement therapy, make sure you get plenty of sleep each night. There is little point in taking powerful libido supplements if you are tired from lack of sleep. Allow yourself to rejuvenate during sleep so that you have plenty of stamina to work out and also to have sex.

Do yoga

Yoga is a very calming kind of exercise. It doesn’t matter if your yoga pose is terrible at first. The most important thing is that you keep stretching your limbs. Eventually, you will get good and find more balance. Yoga is beneficial for improving mood and blood circulation, so if you do this whilst on the pills you will feel the benefits more quickly.