5 Genuine Tantric Techniques To Last Longer In Bed

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  1. Learn to do dry orgasm

Dry orgasm? Isn't that a sickness? You may think that having an orgasm without shooting some amount of ejaculate must mean something is wrong with your body, but that's actually not true. If you are an otherwise healthy man, dry orgasm is actually something you can practice to do for yourself. Experiencing full-body orgasm without the ejaculation will make last longer in bed because you can still go on after feeling orgasm. This is actually also a key in getting multiple orgasms for men. You know, because after ejaculation, it's all over for men, right?

Females are the best at knowing how to separate ejaculation from orgasm--they orgasm without ejaculating all the time anyway. Although this is mainly because of false education. You can train yourself to hold back ejaculation whilst still allowing the sensations of orgasm to come through. It would be best to practice this alone at first.

  1. Learn the squeeze technique

In order to hold back ejaculation, there is a technique that is quite common within the tantra practice and that is the squeeze technique. This technique is very basic and easy to do that experts outside the tantric realm have also begun to recommend this technique for men who want to last longer in bed.

Basically, what you do with the squeeze technique is, when you are nearing climax and feel like you can’t go on anymore, quickly pull out and squeeze the tip of your penis. Doing so will greatly reduce your urge to come. Take a few deep breathes and when you feel ready to thrust again you can continue to do so. When you have mastered this technique, you will be able to last longer in bed by a ton, maybe even hours if you’re that good at it. Basically, this technique will be quite life-changing for you. 

  1. Simply change your positions

Techniques and all are awesome, but there is also a simple thing you can always do when having sex that can help you last longer in bed: changing your positions. When you are doing a particular position, after a few minutes you are already at the peak of your momentum and will immediately reach that point of no return. So, when you reach this peak, simply change your position. When you do so, the urge to come will gradually come down (pun not intended) and you can start building momentum again with the new position.

There is a word of caution when doing this, though. You don’t want to be so quick to reach the peak that you constantly change positions. This can be great for you, but absolutely horrible for your partner. After all, women take that much longer to build their momentum. So, you need to be mindful of the balance, too.

  1. Practice controlled breathing

Breath work is super important for a lot of things that humans do, but sadly, not many people know how to breathe properly. Isn’t that just the strangest notion, since we all breathe, anyway? Well, at any rate, you can improve how long you last in bed by training yourself in the art of controlled breathing. Controlled breathing will get you closer to understanding your own body.

When you are having sex and about to reach climax, you can stop and immediately commence your deep breathing technique. But first, before you become good at this technique, it is important to do it alone while you’re masturbating.

Practice holding back your breath as you are pleasing yourself and near the climax, before you come, slow down your breath and keep inhaling and exhaling deeply. The urge to come will slowly come down and you will be able to continue pleasing yourself for another round.

  1. Train the PC muscles

On your pelvic floor, there is a muscle called the pubococcygeus muscle (PC muscle for short). This muscle regulates your bowel movement when you are about to pee. Both women and men have the PC muscle. If you have heard Kegels exercises for pregnant women, this is exactly the kind of PC muscle exercise we are talking about. Did you think men can’t do the Kegels exercises? Absolutely wrong.

In fact, in tantric practices, exercising the PC muscle is considered very beneficial for male sexual health. Strengthening this part of the body can also help with improving erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation. As such, it is also understandable that strengthening this muscle can also help you last longer in bed. What you can gain after exercising this muscle is better control over the timing of your ejaculation, so when you feel like climaxing, you can simply hold yourself back for a few more minutes.