Premature Ejaculation? Try These 5 Ayurvedic Home Remedies

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  1. Ayurvedic herbs

Indian traditional treatment is known to treat all ailments. It has been practiced for centuries and uses tested and natural therapies.

And so premature ejaculation also has its ready pills lined up in the Ayurveda pharmacy. Medicines such as (Kauchbeej) or cow itch/velvet beans. This is prepared and blended to reverse premature ejaculation signs. It also increases sexual desire due to its aphrodisiac and antioxidant properties.

Another traditional Indian treatment for premature ejaculation is Kaminividrawanras. It also counters the harmful signs of impotence and erectile dysfunction.

This concoction comprises up to 12 different ingredients. These include cloves, saffron, nutmeg, white sandalwood, and ginger.

It brings out erotogenic and sedative features besides aphrodisiac feelings.

Another popular treatment called YauvanamritVati is effective against this disorder.

A study on the potency of these medicines done in 2017 confirmed this suspicion. It noted that men under these medicines experienced a significant delay in ejaculation.

  1. Green onion seeds

The green onion is also called scallions. And its seeds work to dilate penile veins. They are an excellent source of sulfur and flavonoids. These elements are potent against cell deformities.

It lowers blood sugar, thus delays the onslaught from insulin resistance. You may already know that diabetes is a leading cause of premature ejaculation and erectile dysfunction.

Further, the green onion seeds are rich in fiber, which aids digestion. A perfect digestive system helps in boosting sexual stamina and nutrients supplies to the sex organs.

Again, it fights colds and flu with its antibacterial compounds. This protection leaves you fresh and energized for a demanding sexual encounter.

And you shouldn't underestimate its benefits against premature ejaculation. It has aphrodisiac properties that eliminate frequent quick falls.

But how do you derive its potent punch? Crush the seeds and add water. Stir the mixture to blend well. Drink this concoction thrice daily before you eat.

You can complement this juice with white onions.   

  1. Aswagandha

Ashwagandha (Winter Cherry) is another ayurvedic herb that has been used for millennia. It cures premature ejaculation and infertility.

It is an adaptogenic herb that soothes and enhances the nervous system. Further, it protects essential organs against the harmful effects of fatigue and stress.

Lethargy is a common problem linked to quick ejaculation. But Ashwagandha restores vitality to enhance body equilibrium and hence promote harmony. These are essential for sexual drive and stamina.

Besides strengthening the sexual functions, Ashwagandha also boosts the respiratory system, allowing you the mental and physical endurance to tide over the urge to ejaculate.

It doesn't matter whether you take its leaves, stem or roots, because this herb is useful whatever form. But the roots are more potent in restoring sexual prowess and forestalling premature ejaculation.

So how do you prepare it? There are several ways to consume Ashwagandha. You can take it as a capsule with warm water or milk.

In a clinical trial published in the Journal of Ayurveda found that Ashwagandha improved premature ejaculation mildly.   

  1. Garlic

You are already aware of the sexual power garlic contains. Its aphrodisiac features can support your sex function by prolonging your staying power. Further, it delays ejaculation, thus helps to subdue premature semen release.

Garlic contains an assortment of minerals and vitamins that are sex-friendly. These include vitamins B1, B2, B3, B6, and C.

Further, it has calcium, iron, magnesium, manganese, potassium and sodium, and zinc. These minerals are vital for sperm health and antioxidants. , 

Garlic components promote blood flow to the penis, thus helping it stay erect for an extended time. These elements also resuscitate sexual desire.

When you prepare garlic as directed, you derive more benefits from it. The best approach is to saute a few cloves with ghee under low heat.

When it turns golden brown, it's ready for consumption. Chew about three cloves daily. It only takes a month's wait for you to notice it potency against your quick trigger.

  1. Eggs with carrots-sprinkled honey

This is a strange combination. But when you are seeking a suitable remedy for your premature ejaculation, nothing comes as a surprise.

So eating eggs, carrots, and honey is the magic flavor you need to eradicate your sexual misfire. And it's quick to prepare.

Boiled eggs have lean protein and amino acids. In comparison, carrots are an excellent source of vitamins A, K1, and B6. It facilitates your body to synthesize beta carotene into vitamin A. It also has biotins and potassium.

Yet honey has natural energy enhancers and muscle stimulants. These include fructose, glucose, fiber, and proteins.

Thus when you blend these essential elements to treat premature ejaculation, you pack your body with excellent ingredients.

But how do you prepare the garnish? Boil an egg lightly, peel and slice. Then sprinkle grated carrots on top before adding three teaspoons of honey. Blend the mixture and consume it for about three months.

The results will surprise your impatient penis.