5 Sicknesses That Can Wreck A Man's Sex Life

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  1. Hypertension

High blood pressure or hypertension is one of the most dangerous tell-tale signs of ED. In fact, the two are so interrelated that many recent studies have suggested that the presence of one can strongly indicate the presence of the other. This can mainly be understood from the importance of blood pressure for a man’s erection. Hypertension itself typically happens when a person’s blood vessels become so narrowed or clogged that blood needs to work harder to pass through. But this condition has a high risk of disrupting sexual health because this also means that less blood will be sent to the penis. The result? Significantly decreased sensitivity in the sexual areas which then leads to erectile dysfunction.

To prevent hypertension from wreaking havoc on your sex life, you need to watch for your weight and not engage in unhealthy habits such as smoking, doing drugs, and being a potato couch.

  1. Illnesses relating to smoking and its effects

Smoking is a bad habit which strangely so many people still entertain. But if you care about your sexual functions, you probably need to reconsider your priorities (if you are a smoker). Smoking a cigarette means that you are breathing in tons of toxins right to your lungs and this can have very many negative impacts. One of those impacts can eventually lead to sexual dysfunctions such as ED and premature ejaculation.

Excessive smoking has also been proven to negatively impact hormones as it creates chaos within a man’s system. The production of hormones that are important for sexual functioning often gets disrupted and things like mood swings, depression, and erectile dysfunction can all happen. There are many diseases that can come from smoking and usually, a man’s sex life can be affected by conditions such as hypertension, lung diseases, diabetes, and chronic pulmonary disease

  1. Prostate cancer

The prostate is very important to all men, so you surely don’t want to catch yourself suffering from prostate cancer. Naturally, having prostate cancer can create a lot of dilemmas in a man’s life and the disease also creates other unpleasant symptoms that can hurt someone’s ability to even urinate. But what is worse is the fact that even the treatment for prostate cancer can cause a patient to develop erectile dysfunction and even premature ejaculation.

So, you think cancer is bad enough? But the treatment is not without problems, either. When you catch prostate cancer, you will be undergoing many therapies using drugs and treatments that can cause a significant drop in testosterone. As a result, many men could experience issues with erectile dysfunction or even premature ejaculation. But usually, these conditions can be managed and they can disappear after a while. Still, it doesn’t mean you should risk getting prostate cancer in the first place!

  1. Premature ejaculation

Is premature ejaculation itself a disease? Or is it a by product of another disease? Or… is it a by product of a combination of related diseases? Not sure. Nobody knows for certain right now and every day experts continue to study what causes premature ejaculation in the first place. Many claim that premature ejaculation is a result of hormonal imbalances that are caused by psychological problems such as stress, anxiety disorder, and depression. Yet, some other experts claim that premature ejaculation does have biological roots that may even be hereditary in nature.

At any rate, we know that premature ejaculation is a terrible ailment that can wreak havoc in a man’s sex life. It can bring so much humiliation to the man who experiences this in the middle of an act and recovering from this event itself may not be that easy. Try to take care of your mental health better if you want to avoid this ailment.

  1. Anxiety disorder

Everybody can be anxious at different times and having anxiety is a normal thing. After a while, it disappears and you can live the rest of your day normally. But if you have an anxiety disorder? Well, that’s a different story altogether. You will know if you have an anxiety disorder when you experience a prolonged period of having severe anxiety to a point that the disorder interrupts normal living. Since the condition brings about a sense of prolonged panic, many patients of this disorder will find it difficult to manage their emotions and excessive worry, concern, or fear.

Relating to sex then, of course, people like these will have a hard time with relaxation and bringing their libido up. This is because they are always in a high-stress mode that cortisol production begins to rise up, in turn depleting the testosterone in the body. So, erectile dysfunction can often be found in this case.