5 Ways To Boost Your Sex Drive

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  1. Eat honey every day

Honey does sound sexy and many people call their significant other with this word. Meanwhile, ancient stories from South Asia will tell you that honey used to be offered to newlyweds on the night of their wedding. But what about the honey is so libido-boosting? In fact, honey contains several components that make it good for health in general and that includes the sexual health. Even Hippocrates endorsed honey as an aphrodisiac! And that was in 500BC!

Moving on to the more medical aspects of honey, this liquid gold of nectar contains high levels of vitamin B, boron and chrysin. Vitamin B is often linked to the improvement of erectile functions. Meanwhile, chrysin and boron are valued for their ability to prevent testosterone from getting converted to oestrogen in male.

In order to benefit from honey in terms of sexual health, you will need to consume either a very large dose of it or simply consume it every day.

  1. Bananas are a man’s best friend

Bananas should be a man’s best friend, but not only because of the anecdotes relating to the yellow fruit’s shape that resembles an actual penis. This tropical fruit actually contains a ton of nutrients that can help both women and men with maintaining sexual drive, as well as health. For one, the bananas are famous for having a high amount of potassium and B vitamins. Both of these components have been linked with the improvement as well as maintenance of sexual health, and especially in men, with the increase of testosterone.

Bananas are also a great fruit to have as breakfast because it is very fulfilling whilst being low in calorie. It is also great to add into smoothies if you want to make a creamy smoothie without using dairy at all. Plus, the natural sugar from the fruit also adds flavour to the smoothie.

  1. Indulge in aromatherapy every now and then

Aromatherapy is some kind of relaxation therapy using aromas or scents. It is a very simple but grandeur way to help ease tension in your nervous system to bring out a sense of relief, calm and relaxation. Do you know what happens when you are in a state of total relaxation? Your hormones will fix themselves and your libido will naturally go back to its original state as well.

In fact, there are also many aromatherapy scents that come from plants that have known benefits of increasing libido, too. Of course, here we are talking about aromatherapy using natural oils, instead of fragrances that are lab-made using dangerous chemicals.

If you are considering aromatherapy to help you relax and have more sex drive, try a combination of patchouli and lavender (to balance the strong aroma of the patchouli). Both of these are the most famous essential oils for this purpose.

  1. Eat spicy stuff before the action

Good news for those of you who enjoy a great number of spicy foods. Spices can have the health benefit of opening up blood vessels so that many parts of your body will receive a good amount of blood, and this surely includes the sexual organs of the human body. It has been proven that eating spicy foods makes a person more receptive to touch and sexual stimulus, so this is definitely something you want to consider, even if you usually don’t like spicy foods that much.

The capsaicin in many peppery foods can also make you more awake and focused, so this also has the added benefit of increasing sexual pleasure when you are in the middle of the action. However, you still need to take into consideration how much spicy foods you eat every day. This is because eating too many spicy foods may cause stomach issues and this is especially the case if you are not that used to eating a lot of spices.

  1. Read raunchy fiction

The reason you are lacking in sex drive may have to do with how little inspiration you get in terms of sexual fantasies. Or maybe you are bored with your routine. If that is the case with you, you could help yourself get more inspiration, as well as ideas, from reading erotic stories. It is not a shame to be indulging in such stories, after all, you are an adult. And unless you are indeed a pervert, reading raunchy stories won’t turn you into a pervert if you have a healthy mind.

So, try to pick up a book that has good reviews in terms of storyline and enjoy reading it. Consider this education, alright? It would be good to imagine yourself as the characters and then hold your desire to do certain acts with your partner. If it helps, you can even hold back your desire for a couple of days, so that when you are finally ready to have sex, your drive will be even more explosive.