5 Ways To Last Longer In Bed

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  1. Lose some weight

There has been plenty of evidence to show that men who are very overweight tend to score lower in terms of stamina. This, of course, can translate into the stamina needed in the bedroom as well. Losing stamina quickly means that you have a terrible endurance and as such, can easily lose your staying power. As a result of that, your body easily reaches climax and you ejaculate way too soon.

All doctors will probably say the same thing to you if you are overweight and have this premature ejaculation issue: lose some weight and get as close as possible to your ideal body mass index. Losing some weight shouldn’t be as difficult as most people will have you believe if you simply can organise your priorities. As long as you are clear about your goals, you will naturally maintain that motivation to arrive at your weight loss destination.

  1. Pay close attention to how much rest you get

Still closely related to stamina, aside from losing weight, you also need to pay attention to how much rest you get on a daily basis. And we are talking about some quality rest, too. Because getting quality rest is super important to help you recharge energy levels. Even if you get sleep daily, if the quality of your sleep is bad, you will tend to build up fatigue over time. This is not a good thing because low quality sleep can also cause mood disorders which can ten affect your libido levels as well.

If you are also trying to lose weight, pay extra attention to the things that go into your stomach. Healthy and fresh foods will typically make you feel better and reduce bloating so you can sleep better at night. Try to also drink healthy stuff that promotes better sleep such as herbal teas. Lavender and chamomile teas are usually a favourite in this department.

  1. Practise mindful living

Since premature ejaculation itself is often caused by mental problems like stress, anxiety, and depression—not excluding traumas, even—it would benefit you much if you could bring yourself to practise mindful living. At its core, mindful living is all about being… well, mindful of every choice and action that you make at every moment in your life. Of course, at first, it may be a daunting task for a lot of people who have basically lived their entire life on automation.

But you have got to understand that much of your day to day actions and lifestyle choices are so often based on external pressure that makes you run on automation. For instance, even with food, you just tend to buy what’s popular and easy to make without regard to the nutrition value of the foods you eat. So, in order to prevent more health issues from afflicting you and your sex life, you would be wise to make conscious choices that free you from stress and sickness.

  1. Organise your life

Still, in tandem with how mental clutter affects everyone’s sexual performance, one very important thing you can do to help you last longer in bed is to organise your life. You may be thinking this is one weird advice, but you need to look at the connection of it all to get it. Sexual dysfunctions are very often caused by psychological problems and the most common ones of them all are stress, anxiety, and depression.

Did you know that these mental problems are often the result of a disorganised life? Maybe you have too many obligations landing on one another and you simply don’t know where to begin to resolve all these tasks. Things of this nature can easily drain you of both mental and physical energy, not to mention you won’t be able to fully focus on sex when you want to because so much is going on at the back of your head.

  1. Resolve relationship issues peacefully

Another intangible thing that can hamper your performance in bed is your own relationship issues with your partner. Although it is understandable that couples may have arguments every now and then, you can’t deny the fact that having hard feelings towards each other can have an emotional impact on how you feel about one another even during sex.

No matter how hard you wish to deny it, sex is actually a very emotional thing. So, if your emotional status is all over the place, how can you even fully immerse yourself in the experience? Hard feelings can be toxin, so it would be best for you and your partner to peacefully talk out your issues and get to clearing your misunderstandings.

Plus, some people swear that make-up sex usually is more intensely pleasurable. Although we are not advising you to have fights only to have great make-up sex later.